Writing your wedding vows can be a bit overwhelming, but you're not alone in feeling that way. Whether you just got engaged and are excited to express your feelings, or it's the night before your wedding, and you've waited until the last minute, remember that these words are all about your love and promises for the future. But where do you start? How can you capture a love that will last forever? If you need help with how to write your wedding vows, these wedding examples can help.
Let’s explore variety of options, from romantic and religious vows to short, sweet, and funny vows. You can personalize them to make them your own. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but with some time and reflection, you can write vows that are truly meaningful. So, let's get started!
Wedding Vow Ideas for Her:
Wedding vows for the bride can be a big deal. Some have thought about it for a long time, imagining it happening while wearing that stunning wedding dress in their hometown church with family getting emotional. Others might be thinking about it for the first time. But no matter where you're coming from, it's time to think about what you want to say.
Do you want to keep it short and sweet or make it more poetic and personal? These wedding vows examples for the bride cover a range from romantic to religious and can be a great starting point for any bride.
Romantic Wedding Vows for Her:
- Every day I wake up, I choose you as my husband. I promise to love you in everything I do, through laughter and tears, and to grow and create a beautiful life with you.
- You love me in a way I never knew was possible, completing my heart. I vow to listen, learn, and support you. Your joys and sorrows will be mine for all our days.
- Today, surrounded by loved ones, I choose you to be my husband. I'm proud to be your wifе, and I promisе to always stand by your side, no matter what life brings.
- I'm so lucky to call you minе—your love and trust make me a better person еvеry day. In your arms, I find strength and couragе. I'm proud to have you as my husband.
- I'm dееply in love with you, my husband. My love for you will only grow stronger with еach passing day. I promisе to be your friеnd, partner, and unwavеring support, always
- My life is complеtе with you. You arе thе most loving, clеvеr, and kind person I havе еvеr known. I promise to always be your biggest supportеr. Togеthеr, wе can conquеr anything.

Short and Sweet Wedding Vows for Her:
- With all my heart, I lovе you in a way words can't dеscribе, only through kissеs, glancеs, and thе аdvеnturеs we'll sharе.
- I promisе to bе your honеst, faithful, and loving wifе forеvеr.
- I pledge to honor, love, and cherish you as my husband today and every day.
- When I say 'I do,' it means 'I will' stand by your side through all the ups and downs, dedicating myself to your happiness and love.
- You're my dream come true, and I can't wait to build our reality together.
- I promise to be your guiding light in the dark, your warmth in the cold, and your support when life gets tough.
- Give me your hand, and I'll give you forever, my love.
- You are loved beyond words, my dear husband.
- I vow to protect you, stand by your side, and find my remedy in your arms.
- You make me laugh, you make me think, and most importantly, you make me happy.
- I promise to be your navigator, best friend, and loving wife through all life's adventures. Wherever we go, we'll go together.
Religious Wedding Vows for Her:
- I love you deeply. I prayed for God to bring you into my life as my husband, and tonight, I thank Him for making it happen. I promise to be faithful to you and support you through all of life's challenges as we follow God's path.
- I take you as my husband, believing in love, honesty, and faith. I promise to follow God's plan for our life together through all ups and downs. I vow to support you in sickness, health, joy, and sorrow until death do us part. With this ring, I seal my commitment in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for God's strength and guidance in our home.
- My love, I offer you this ring. Wear it with joy and love. I choose you to be mine, to have, and to hold from this day forward. I promise to be faithful and love you as Christ loved the church when He died for her. In His sight, we are one.
- I love you and thank the Lord for the love that binds our hearts in the spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor, and cherish you always. As we build our Christian home together, I will look to you as a partner and leader, just as I look to Christ as the head of the church. I will love you in all circumstances, trusting in God's grace, as long as we both shall live.
- I take you as my husband, with faith, honesty, and love, to share in God's plan for our lives together in Christ. I give all of myself and my love to you today in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This ring is the symbol of my love and unity. I pray to be your supportive partner and keep God's presence in our home.
- Through life's uncertainties and trials, I promise to be faithful and love you so that together, we may grow in the likeness of Christ. With you, our home will praise Him each and every day.

Funny Wedding Vows for Her:
- I promise to love you even when you leave the toothpaste cap off. And I'll try not to complain (too much) when I step on it in the dark.
- I vow to laugh at all your jokes, even when I'm the only one.
- I promise to share my dessert with you, even though I secretly wanted it all for myself.
- I vow to keep your coffee cup full, even if it means brewing a fresh pot every 15 minutes.
- I promise to pretend I'm interested in fantasy football just because you are.
- I vow to be your personal chef, as long as 'chef' means ordering takeout on nights I don't feel like cooking.
- I promise to let you choose the Netflix show, even when it's the one I've seen a million times.
- I vow to always be your partner in crime, even when the only crime is stealing the last cookie.
- I promise to be your biggest fan, even when you're cheering for a team I don't understand.
- I vow to cherish and adore you, even when you leave your socks all over the house.
- I promise to keep the fridge stocked with your favorite snacks, even if it means sacrificing the veggies.
- I vow to dance with you in the living room, even when we have two left feet.
- I vow to be your personal alarm clock, even if it means waking you up with an off-key rendition of 'Happy Birthday' every morning.
- I promise to always let you have the last word in our arguments, especially when it's 'I'm sorry.
- I vow to love you more than I love you sleep, and that's saying a lot because I really, really love sleep.

Wedding Vow Ideas for Him:
A single look at your bride and your heart dances with joy. Calm any nervousness and start expressing these wedding vows examples that pour out your deepest feelings to ensure you're fully present in this moment. If you're unsure how to begin, these sample wedding vows for him will show you how to express your deep love for your fiancée and future wife.
Romantic Wedding Vows for Him:
- You've shown me that together, with respect, trust, and open communication, we're stronger and happier. You're the strength I didn't know I needed, and the joy I didn't know was missing. Today, I choose you for a lifetime.
- You've made me the happiest man today by agreeing to share your life with me. I promise to cherish, protect, comfort, and encourage you for all eternity.
- I promise to love you for who you are and who you'll become. I'll be patient and remember that our love is the foundation of everything. I'll nurture your dreams and show you how deeply I care, no matter the challenges. I'll love you fiеrcеly, always.
- From thе vеry first day wе mеt, I knеw wе wеrе meant to bе. You're my lovеr, companion, and bеst friеnd. I can't imagine building a life with anyone else. You're my forever love and wifе.
- Today, as thе sun smilеs upon us, I givе you my heart. You're my lovе, my light, my soulmatе, thе onе who fills my life with laughtеr. With this ring, I promise you a lovе that's еtеrnal, just lіkе thе circle it represents.
- With pride and joy, I take you as my wife. Together, we can overcome anything, no matter what life brings. You're my forever partner, and with you, I'll never be alone. I'm amazed by you and our limitless possibilities. I vow to cherish you for all our days.

Short and Sweet Wedding Vows for Him:
- Give me yours every day, and I'll give you my love to make it alright.
- I promise to be your partner in life's adventures, your best friend, and your husband. I give myself to you completely.
- Your love brings hope, your smile brings joy. You make me a better person.
- With you, everything else fades away. You are my life's greatest gift, and I'm lucky to call you my loving wife.
- Our lives are forever intertwined. My dreams are yours, and I'll build our future around you.
- Forever won't be enough, but I vow to cherish every moment we have together.
- Today, I join my life to yours as your friend, lover, and biggest supporter. I'll be the shoulder you lean on and your lifelong companion.
- With this ring, you'll never be alone. I promise to be there when you stumble, lift you over every hurdle, and fall in love with you every day.
- I pledge patience and passion, in laughter and silence, always by your side.
- I take you with all your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you with all mine. I'll be there for you in times of need, just as I know I can turn to you for guidance.
- You're everything I ever dreamed of and all I'll ever need. Our love is heaven-sent. I vow to be here with you today and forever.
- With each passing moment, my love for you grows fiercer. With you, I can make the most of every day.

Religious Wedding Vows for Him:
- I love you, knowing that this love is a gift from God. I desire to be your husband so that together, we can serve Christ. Through all uncertainties and trials, I pledge to be faithful and love you, just as Christ loves His church, for as long as we both shall live.
- I take you as my wife, brought together by God. I promise to love and cherish you, following Christ's example, sharing life's journey as we walk in God's path.
- In faith, honesty, and love, I accept you as my wife to follow God's plan for our lives united in Christ. With God's guidance, I commit to being a strong spiritual leader for us, in all circumstances, until death parts us.
- I love you and thank the Lord for the love that has united us in the spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor, and cherish you always, through sickness and health, poverty and wealth, sorrow and joy, trusting in God's grace, for as long as we both shall live.
- I promise to love you above all others, valuing you as a precious gift from God. I eagerly anticipate building our family and nurturing our relationship under God's care. I vow to stand by your side as your husband and friend through all of life's seasons.
- In the presence of our loved ones and God, I take you as my wife. With divine assistance, I pledge to be a faithful, devoted, and loving husband for all the days of our lives.

Funny Wedding Vows for Him:
- I promise to unclog the bathtub drain, even though you are the only one of us with long hair.
- I vow to be the person who reaches for the TV remote when it's just out of your reach, even if it means I have to get up from the couch.
- I promise to love you, even when you steal all the blankets in the middle of the night.
- I vow to share my fries with you, even though I know you'll always take the best ones.
- I promise to be your personal spider catcher because I know you're convinced they're all out to get you.
- I vow to be your partner in all things, especially when it comes to tackling that never-ending pile of laundry.
- I promise to watch your favorite shows with you, even if I have to close my eyes.
- I vow to be the one who sacrifices their side of the bed when you claim more territory in your sleep.
- I promise to always be your partner in adventure, whether it's exploring new places or just trying out a new recipe.
- I vow to pretend that your cooking is the best thing I've ever tasted, even if it's just cereal.
- I promise to let you win at video games occasionally, just to keep your ego intact.
- I pledge to be your designated driver, especially when you've had too much of that 'special' punch.

Final Words:
Writing your wedding vows is a unique way to express your love and commitment. Whether you want them to be romantic, religious, or funny, remember to make them personal to your relationship. The examples of wedding vows provided can help you get started, but the most meaningful vows come from your heart.
On your big day, let your vows reflect your unique love story and your promises for the future. These words will remind you of the love that united you and will be your guide through life. Congratulations on this beautiful journey of love and forever togetherness!